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Summary of Chapter Activities in 2012

April 16, 2013

Summary of Chapter Activities in 2012

The Minnesota Chapter has wrapped up 2012. So, what new and fun things happened?

Establishing the Student Chapter at the University of Minnesota.  Thanks to the Membership Committee -- especially Mitch Hoeft, Nick Egger, and Justin Messner -- who developed a program that the students just couldn’t resist.  Thanks also to Ann Johnson at the U of M for supporting the Membership Committee’s efforts and for being there (once again) to help the Minnesota Chapter with its efforts to advance the awareness of the field of public works.

Launching a new Chapter website. Thanks to Charlie Wild, Eric Eckman, and members of the Communications Committee for their hard work on the chapter website.  The Executive Committee just  approved a contract for website development. Our new website, which will be in place by mid-2013, will serve  as our chapter’s virtual office and be the central point of our communication with our members.

Outstanding Conferences, workshops, and technical  training. The Fall Conference and workshop had near record breaking attendance. thanks to the Conference  Planning Committee, Education and Training Committee,  Membership Committee, Awards Committee, Public  Awareness Committee, Environmental Committee, and  the University of Minnesota for making these events an outstanding success! Special recognition goes to Tom Montgomery, chair of the Education & Training Committee, and Bob Cockriel, chair of the Conference Planning Committee, who have been outstanding leaders and contributors to the chapter. Both are stepping down as chairs of their committees, but have mentored Chris Petree and Jupe Hale to take on new leadership roles.

Development of a Chapter Diversity Committee.  In August, Jon Rippke, was appointed to the position of outstate director. Jon is completing Bryan Bjorgaard’s term who moved to Idaho with his family in 2012. As a long-term member of the Minnesota Chapter and a resident of Mankato, Jon brings the greater Minnesota perspective to the Executive Committee. Jon is also the chapter’s liaison to APWA-MN’s Diversity Committee, and is developing a Chapter Diversity Committee. Jon has identified a lack of Latino representation in engineering and public works as an area that we can improve upon. To that end, Jon is in the process of working with Minnesota State University to promote an outreach program to communities in southwestern and south central Minnesota.

Appointment of a Chapter Volunteer Coordinator. The Executive Committee has appointed Beth Engum, Ramsey County, to the position of chapter volunteer coordinator.  The success of our chapter depends on the willingness of its members to help with programs and activities. Beth’s newly-created position will work to help members direct their energies to the activity that best fits the time commitment that they can make.  Whether it’s work on a committee, being a chapter photographer, assisting with the chapter’s membership, environmental awareness or public awareness activities, the chapter appreciates and welcomes the involvement of all of its members. Beth can be contacted at (651) 266-7115 or

Staffing changes. The chapter wishes to thank Kathy Warren for her years of service to the chapter as administrative assistant. Kathy worked with the chapter and assisted in hosting Congress twice, as well as one Snow Conference. Kathy has been an asset to all of the members, and was especially helpful to those members in chapter leadership roles.

Pat Schutrop has been retained as the new chapter assistant. Pat will work closely with the Executive Committee, committee chairs, the University of Minnesota, and others to coordinate the many activities that the chapter has planned. You can contact Pat at 1-888-407-2650 (toll free) or admin@apwa-mn.orgYou can also mail items to the chapter at the following address: APWA–Minnesota, P.O. Box 27965, Golden Valley, MN 55427.

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