Education & Outreach

As an organization, it is our goal to raise public awareness of our profession and the value that our services add to the public’s every day quality of life. We also strive to create a sustainable and diverse workforce through STEM outreach initiatives and by supporting relevant educational programs at the K-12 and college levels. Our success in advancing these objectives is rooted in the individual efforts and leadership of our members – through your participation in Chapter committees, your leadership within your own organization, and your individual volunteerism in support of our Chapter’s variety of activities.
APWA-MN has recently collaborated with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) to identify potential partnerships and opportunities that can support the public awareness and outreach initiatives of our Chapter while giving students exposure and hands-on educational opportunities to learn about Public Works.
The Department of College and Career Readiness (CCR) within MPS helps students explore a variety of careers and pathways to these careers; whether these pathways include a post-secondary education or other types of workforce training. CCR has multiple programs, already in place, that are structured to partner with individuals and organizations like ours. These are established programs that you or your agency/company can plug into to provide educational opportunities relative to Public Works. Some of these programs include the following:
STEP-UP Achieve
STEP-UP Achieve connects employers with the next generation of talented and diverse workers through internship opportunities – placing 800 Minneapolis youth (ages 16-21) each year in paid internships with 160 Twin Cities companies and agencies.
Career and Technical Education/STEM Team
MPS STEM Career Development Coordinators work with all CCR divisions and programs in order to connect classroom learning to the world of work.

This page is intended to make you aware of these partnership opportunities with Minneapolis Public Schools and to encourage you and your organization's participation in their programs.
The following is a brief summary of some of the opportunities that would be well-suited for APWA-MN member and organizations:

Serving as a Classroom Guest Speaker
telling your story about public works and the role that you play. What attracted you to the profession? What was your educational path?
High School Student Internships
exposure to the fields of Public Works and Engineering, as appropriate for minors or young adults. Help students determine what post-secondary or other continuing education choices they should make in support of a future career.
Serve as a Field Trip Destination
allow your city or organization to serve as a “classroom” for a day or two. Provide student tours of your communities, its infrastructure, and how it all works.
Provide a Job Shadowing Opportunity
Similar to a field trip, but more one-on-one between you and a single student for a half or full day.

     You're Interested, Now what do you do?     
Minneapolis Public Schools has a number of advocates prepared to plug you in! The following contacts can direct you to opportunities that you are most interested in:

Classroom Guest Speaker Opportunities
Venessa Moe, Jobs for America’s Graduates
Jenny Yang, Gear UP
Paul Kylm, CTE/STEM

High School Student Internship Opportunities
Venessa Moe, Jobs for America’s Graduates
Paul Kylm, CTE/STEM

Field Trip Opportunities
Venessa Moe, Jobs for America’s Graduates
Jenny Yang, Gear UP
Sara Etzel, CTE/STEM
Matt Roen, Big Brothers Big Sisters

Job Shadow Opportunities
Terry Henry, Department of Career and College Readines
Sara Etzel, CTE/STEM

Mentoring Opportunities
Richard Gibson, Big Brothers Big Sisters

APWA-MN Chapter, PO Box 46266, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-9712 | 1-888-407-2650 | Copyright © 2025 | Privacy Policy | Site Credits | Site Map