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New Member Spotlight

October 14, 2022

New Member Spotlight

Name: Shannon McGrath
Age: 36
Employed with: WSB
Number of years employed with current organization: 8 months
Past employment: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Years active in APWA/MN Chapter: Brand New!
LinkedIn Profile URL (if applicable):
Originally from: Mahtomedi, MN
Family: Daughter Margo (7) and son Fred (5)
Most challenging Public Works project you have been involved with: 
The most challenging project I have been involved with was serving as the project manager for MnDOT's statewide infrastructure Transportation Asset Management Plan. It was an immense amount of coordination with internal and external stakeholders for 12 different asset classes.
Most enjoyable Public Works project you have been involved with: One of the first projects I worked on in my professional career was walking to every storm, sanitary, and water utility location in St. Louis county to collect GPS points. They were beautiful summer days outside on the iron range region of the state.
Favorite Musical Artist/Group: Spotify told me I listened to over 150 music genres last year, so I like a variety.
Favorite Restaurant: Hiking or biking to a picnic in the woods with my kids.
Favorite Vacation you’ve been on: I once completed a 51-day canoe expedition in the Arctic Circle.
Hobbies/Extra-curricular activities: My favorite hobby is to try all hobbies. My goal is to sleep outside at least 20 nights each year, so you will usually find me somewhere wandering the lakes and woods. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area is my happy place.
Words of wisdom to share with the membership: Our industry is rapidly changing. When thinking about change, remember there were many people hesitant about the move from fax machine to email, or landline to cell phone. Being open to new ideas is the first step to innovation.  

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