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New Member Spotlight!

April 23, 2019

New Member Spotlight!

New Member Spotlight

Name: Patrick Sejkora
Age: 32
Employed with: City of Eden Prairie
Number of years employed with current organization: 3 months
Past employment: SEH, Inc.
Years active in APWA/MN Chapter:  2 months
LinkedIn Profile URL (if applicable):
Originally from: Norton, Massachusetts
Family: My wife, Erin, my daughter, Rose, and a baby boy arriving May 2019. And a rescue border collie.
Most challenging Public Works project you have been involved with: Stormwater treatment in an ultra-urban area of Jackson Street in St Paul using tree boxes and a porous pavement bike trail (and mostly dodging myriad utilities!) as part of a road reconstruction.
Most enjoyable Public Works project you have been involved with: In many ways, the same Jackson Street project in St. Paul. It completely revamped an area in downtown and I’m always proud of the engineering and landscape work out there whenever I see it. And the stormwater BMPs work as designed! 
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Favorite Musical Artist/Group: Radiohead or Neil Young
Favorite Restaurant: Prohibition Pig in Waterbury, VT
Favorite Vacation you’ve been on: Maine
Hobbies/Extra-curricular activities: Guitar, photography, hiking, and homebrewing
At some point in my life I would most like to: Visit all 50 States (I’m at 44 thus far)
Is there something about you that we would find surprising? Even though I spent most of my young life in Massachusetts, I don’t have a Boston accent.
Words of wisdom to share with the membership: Always keep learning.

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