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Members Pack Food at Feed My Starving Children Event

April 1, 2013

Members Pack Food at Feed My Starving Children Event

Annually, the APWA-MN Chapter sponsors a group volunteer opportunity at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) -- a non-profit organization that packs and distributes meal packs to millions of starving or at-need children in nearly 70 countries around the world.

FMSC relies heavily on volunteers and donations to purchase the ingredients for and assemble "Manna Packs" -- meal packs that include vitamins, soy protein, rice, and dehydrated vegetables.

On March 28, the APWA-MN Chapter coordinated volunteer groups to participate at both the Eagan and Chanhassen FMSC locations. During the two -hour volunteer session, Chapter members measured ingredients, weighed and sealed bags, and boxed the meal packs -- creating more than 100 Manna Packs per group. Each pack provides a meal for six children.

Thanks to all the members who participated in this volunteer event. Please watch your email and the APWA-MN website for future APWA-MN sponsored volunteer opportunities.

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