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Another Great January for the Public Awareness Committee (PAC)

January 13, 2020

STEM KITS – APWA recently purchased an Enviroscape Ultimate Deluxe Demo Package w/ carrying case, groundwater liner, groundwater stickers, and domestic animals. It is available for use to all APWA members for STEM or other public interactions. Contact Chuck Schwartz (MSA) @ (612) 548-3141 for more information.

CREATIVITY FESTIVAL, CREATIVECON, AND SCIENCE FEST – January is a busy time for our STEM activities. At these events, students were introduced to basic engineering principles, road construction and material science through making no-bake “bituminous” cookies.
Special thanks to Ross Bintner (Edina), Luke Jones (MSA), Jim Hauth (Columbia Heights), Kristine Elwood (MNDOT), Christina Orlowsky (Lakeville), Angela Murphy (MNDOT), Ryan Stempski (Focus), John Rodeberg (SEH), Jenny Olejar (BMI), Morgan Bakeman (BMI), and Lauren Letsche (Columbia Heights).  
PARTNERSHIP WITH SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA (SMM) – APWA continues to strengthen our relationship with SMM through the development of distinct projects both in the short and long term. This relationship offers our Minnesota chapter increased visibility and opportunities for our members to engage the public. Our group needs your help to seek volunteers and encourage membership participation in two February SMM events for which we are sponsoring. We also encourage member organizations to sponsor these events in unison.
  1. Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) February 22 (1-4 p.m.) – This is the Science Museum’s annual signature event celebrating women in STEM.  Women engineers and other women STEM professionals connect with the audience and showcase their passion by presenting hands-on activities throughout the museum. APWA members that want to participate should call Nina Stanley-Woidyla (SRF) at (763) 452-4811. The goal of Women in Science & Engineering is to attract thousands of people, mostly families, to attend and be inspired.
  2. Civil Engineering Day February 29 (1-4 p.m.) – APWA continues to be a founding sponsor for this event. Dozens of civil engineers from engineering associations and firms present activities that demonstrate the challenges they work to overcome and solve every day. APWA members who want to volunteer or participate should call Chuck Schwartz (MSA) at (612) 548-3141.

APWA-MN Chapter, PO Box 46266, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-9712 | 1-888-407-2650 | Copyright © 2024 | Privacy Policy | Site Credits | Site Map