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Apply for Young Professional Stipend to Attend PWX 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana

January 9, 2020

APWA Minnesota is looking to reward a young Public Works professional - that is involved in the chapter and eager to grow professionally in the field of Public Works - with a stipend to the 2020 APWA Public Works Expo (PWX) in New Orleans, Louisiana!

The Minnesota Chapter is thrilled to recognize the contributions of its young members by once again providing a lucky member with a stipend in the amount of $1,750 to attend the national PWX event.

Attendance at PWX provides many opportunities to:

Learn Technically – Develop Professionally – Sight See – Take a Technical Tour ‑ Network

This stipend provides an opportunity for a young member of our organization, who have demonstrated their commitment to public works and the Minnesota Chapter, to attend an outstanding national event.

The selected member will attend the APWA National PWX in New Orleans, Louisiana, Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2020.

Selection Criteria

In order to be considered for selection, the applicant should:

  1. Be 35 years old or under.
  2. Be a member of the American Public Works Association.
  3. Be involved in and making contributions to Chapter activities by participating in a committee or other chapter work.
  4. Be interested in attending the 2020 APWA Public Works Expo.
  5. Be willing to share the conference experience with peers and the executive committee through an article submission about the event.
  6. Have a demonstrated record of wanting to grow professionally in the field of public works.

Application Process

APWA members wishing to be considered should prepare a letter (maximum of two pages) addressing the criteria above. Letters of interest must be received no later than 4:30 p.m., May 31, 2020Please be sure to include your APWA membership number.

Send the letter in a PDF format electronically to: Beth Engum, Vice President, APWA-MN Chapter. Email:

Selection of the candidate will be made by Chapter officers and is expected to be ratified by the Executive Committee on June 10, 2020.


Please contact Beth Engum at (612) 426-2213 or as noted above.

Thank you for your interest!

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