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2019 ASCE/EWRI Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures Conference - August 4-7, 2019, Minneapolis, MN

December 17, 2018

2019 ASCE/EWRI Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures...


The organizing committee for the 2019 ASCE/EWRI Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures Conference ( is pleased to invite you to the leading international conference on the operation and maintenance of stormwater control measures, including both green and gray infrastructure. Submit your abstract today ( and join leading experts and practitioners in operation and maintenance to share successes and lessons learned around the following topics: 
  • Design Considerations (maintenance & function, addressing WQ (volume control), flooding, and aging infrastructure simultaneously, specifications, aesthetics, data-driven design, reuse, etc.)
  • Decision Making (asset management, establishing programs & institutionalizing O&M, contracting and levels of service, residuals management, estimating staff hours, etc.)
  • Costs (life cycle costs, cost and value of maintenance during design, balancing aesthetics with O&M costs, true costs vs. perceived costs, stormwater utility credits, funding mechanisms (public and private), etc.)
  • Performance Aspects (case studies – lessons learned and celebrating success, effective inspections, performance assessment/monitoring to guide maintenance, construction inspection and testing, etc.)
  • Vegetation (long-term performance of vegetation, establishing and maintaining vegetation, herbicides and natural weed controls, plant pathology & lists, temporary irrigation, etc.)
  • Extreme Climate and Cold Climate Considerations (climate resilience, O&M considerations for high precipitation events or years, cold climate risk management and chlorides, chloride impacts on GI performance, etc.)
  • Training and Communications (training and certification, maintenance agreements and plans, building partnerships, communicating/working with private parties responsible for O&M, contractors, public, decision makers, elected officials, etc.)
  • Equipment and Tools (jetting, vac’ing, street sweeping, confined space, remote or mobile technology, etc.)
  • During Construction (right of way (ROW) management and utility coordination, incorporating beneficial reuse materials during construction, safety and function during construction, etc.)
  • Underground, Filtration, and Active Systems (maintenance and rehabilitation, access control, remote management, etc.)
This conference has coalesced from over a decade of international low impact development conferences and connects state and municipal engineers, water management professionals, planners, public works staff, consultants, regulators, and manufacturer representatives. Please join us and contribute to our collective understanding of implementing and maintaining green and gray stormwater control measures. We hope to see you in Minneapolis in August 2019!
Submit your abstracts today!
John Chapman, Conference Chair
Mike Isensee, Co-Chair
Scott Struck, Technical Program Co-Chair
John Gulliver, Technical Program Co-Chair
Andy Erickson, Local Host Co-Chair
Katrina Kessler, Local Host Co-Chair
Jay Michels, Sponsorship & Exhibits Chair
John Bilotta, Workshop Coordinator Chair

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