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2018-2020 Strategic Plan Update

April 16, 2018

2018-2020 Strategic Plan Update

By Beth Engum, Volunteer Coordinator

2018-2020 Strategic Plan Update

As Kristin Asher mentioned in her President’s message last month, she is leading an update of the Chapter’s Strategic Plan, a three-year plan that will guide our work. Several initiatives have been identified that align with the four strategic goals established by APWA National. These goals define what we are aiming to accomplish. In order to get there, we need a plan that tells us how. We have developed a tracker for just that reason. The tracker is a living document that will be updated as we make progress. Much of the heavy lifting will happen as a part of Chapter Committee work.

As the tracker keeper, I will be visiting several upcoming Chapter Committee meetings to build upon the great work that is already underway. Here are a few highlights:

Goal 1:  Value of Public Works
We want to make it easier for our members to assist in defining the value of public works and enhancing its visibility by building a reserve of outreach tools that can be used at school events, career fairs, etc. This may include developing new tools but will focus first on gathering the resources already developed by APWA National and others.

Goal 2:  Voice of Public Works
The Government Affairs Committee has been established to head up the effort of being the voice of public works to government leaders. This committee will organize the Chapter’s positions on various topics and partner with other similar agencies to make sure public works is part of the conversation at the Capital.

Goal 3:  Education & Training
The Education and Training Committee will take the lead on ensuring excellence in learning opportunities for our membership by providing added-value opportunities through continued partnerships with organizations like LTAP.

Goal 4:  Membership
With the goal of maintaining Minnesota’s reputation of a dynamic, model chapter, we aim to develop a second local student chapter, this time at the University of St. Thomas by the fall of 2019.

Do your passions lie within these proposals? If not, what’s missing? How could your idea be molded to create another strategic initiative?

Please contact Beth Engum by email or 651-266-7115 with comments or to discuss your ideas.

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