Earlier this year, Alexandria Light and Power (ALP) faced an all-too-common problem for utilities across the nation. A long-time employee with decades of experience running the 4.3 million gallon per day (mgd) system was retiring. The loss of so much institutional knowledge would have a huge... read more
The Minnesota Chapter descended upon Orlando in full force from August 27- 30 to enjoy the education, fun, and inspiration at another great PWX! read more
The 2017 American Public Works Association – Minnesota Chapter invites you to exhibit at this year’s Fall Conference, held November 16-17, 2017. For 2017, the exhibitor and sponsor booths will be in Carriage Hall A. This will allow for an evening event on November 16 at the... read more
Six students with the APWA Student Chapter and one of our advisers, Cody, were led by Curt Callio of MnDOT on a tour of an almost-completed highway reconstruction project. read more
Although not new in the construction industry, a growing trend in Minnesota over the last 10 years has many cities teaming up with Construction Managers to construct their projects. read more
It is no secret that infrastructure is expensive. Federal, state, and local governments spend over $400 billion on water and transportation infrastructure annually, with state and local governments paying 77 percent of the bill (Congressional Budget Office 2015). read more